Bishop Checchio celebrated the Sunday 9:00am Mass and blessed the baptismal water and font with holy water. During his sermon, the Bishop explained that sacred chrism oil is usually used for sacraments: baptism, confirmation and Holy Orders. He said chrism oil is also used to dedicate a new church (St. Magdalen's chrism oil blessings are marked in two spots along the back wall with a cross in the wall and a candle near by) or to dedicate a new altar - ordinary wood now made special for Jesus. After the sermon and litany of the saints, Bishop Checchio poured about one cup of oil onto the altar and smoothed the oil over the entire surface with his hands. The Bishop also put incense into the brazier on the altar. While he cleaned up, the altar cloths were put on, the candles and bishop candle processed up, and the candles were lit, all ready for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.